Контакты Abri Luxe
ul. Polevaya 5-10, Perm 614081 Russia
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Location of apartments and driving directions
354340, Krasnodar Krai, Sochi, 56 HoneyGPS coordinates Latitude: 43.476225 Longitude: 39.900578From Sochi International Airport by taxi 10 minutes, by bus 55, 58, 105, 105 c to the stop "Pension Fregat" and then 5 minutes on foot to 56 Medovaya street. From Adler railway station by taxi 7 minutes, by bus 125c, 105c and 105 to the stop "Pension Frigate" and then 5 minutes on foot to the address 56 Medovaya Street. From Sochi railway station 25 minutes by taxi, by bus 55, 58, 105, 105 to the stop "Boarding house Fregat" and then 5 minutes on foot to 56 Medovaya street.
354004, Krasnodar Krai, Sochi, 75/1 GreenhouseGPS coordinates Latitude: 43.6072 Longitude: 39.764393From the railway station, Sochi by shuttle bus No. 37 to the stop of the residential complex "Ministerial Lakes" 40 minutes. From Sochi International Airport by shuttle bus No. 105 to the east. Sanatorium of Jan Fabricius, transfer to the shuttle bus No. 37 to the stop of the residential complex "Ministerial Lakes".
354053, Krasnodar Krai, Sochi, 3/8 SuburbanGPS coordinates Latitude: 43.628085 Longitude: 39.702814From Sochi railway station: - (31m) buses No. 37, 83, 92 to the east. Anapa - on foot 1.4 m (16 min) - (36m) bus No. 81 to the east. Anapa - on foot 1.4 m (16 min) - (39 m) bus No. 81 to the east. Tselinnaya, 4- on foot 2.1 km (24 min). From the Airport - (1h 18m) train to the railway station "Mamayka" - 1.7 km (20 minutes) on foot.
614081, Perm Krai, Perm, 10 FieldGPS coordinates Latitude: 57.998019 Longitude: 56.22003From the railway station "Perm-2" you can get by bus No. 56 to the stop "Blucher Street", by tram No. 5 to the stop "Central Market". From the airport "B. Savino": buses No. 108 stop "Milchakova". From the central bus station buses № 59, 4, 3, 36, 30, to the stop "Milchakov Street". From the Yuzhny bus station by bus No. 59 to the Milchakov Street stop.
614081, Perm Krai, Perm, 5 FieldGPS coordinates Latitude: 57.997326 Longitude: 56.22064From the railway station "Perm-2" you can get by bus No. 56 to the stop "Blucher Street", by tram No. 5 to the stop "Central Market". From the airport "B. Savino": buses No. 108 stop "Milchakova". From the central bus station buses № 59, 4, 3, 36, 30, 108 to the stop "Milchakov Street". From the Yuzhny bus station by bus No. 59 to the Milchakov Street stop.
614000, Perm Krai, Perm, 52В РеволюцииGPS coordinates Latitude: 57.895213 Longitude: 56.468378С ж/д вокзала «Пермь-2» на автобусе № 1 до остановки Кинотеатр «Октябрь», далее 100 метров пешком до ж/к "Гулливер" 17 минут; на трамвае № 5 до остановки "Динамо (ул. Революции)" далее 300 метров пешком до жилого комплекса "Гулливер", 23 минуты; Из аэропорта "Б. Савино" автобус № 108 до остановки "Автовокзал", далее 720 метров пешком до жилого комплекса "Гулливер", 57 минут. С автовокзала «Южный» на автобусе № 59 до остановки «кинотеатр Октябрь» далее 100 метров пешком до жилого комплекса "Гулливер". Въезд на автомобиле с ул. Революции от пересечения ул. Куйбышева в сторону Комсомольского проспекта. В доме 2 подъезда и 1 вход. Квартира расположена в 1-м подъезде. Гугл карты: https://goo.gl/maps/VDCwHU88os8oGtue8 Яндекс карты: https://yandex.ru/maps/-/C-GMY5D 2Гис: https://go.2gis.com/9x9hvr
614000, Perm Krai, Perm, 52Б RevolutionsGPS coordinates Latitude: 58.001924 Longitude: 56.241939From the railway station "Perm-2" by bus No. 1 to the stop Cinema "October", then 100 meters on foot to the railway station "Gulliver" 17 minutes; by tram No. 5 to the stop "Dynamo (Revolution Street)" then 300 meters on foot to the residential complex "Gulliver", 23 minutes; From the airport "B. Savino" bus No. 108 to the Bus Station stop, then 720 meters on foot to the Gulliver residential complex, 57 minutes. From the Yuzhny bus station by bus No. 59 to the Cinema October stop, then 100 meters on foot to the Gulliver residential complex. Entrance by car from Revolution Street from the intersection of Kuibyshev Street in the direction of Komsomolsky Avenue. The house has 2 entrances and 1 entrance. The apartment is located in the 2nd entrance.
614000, Perm Krai, Perm, 48В RevolutionsGPS coordinates Latitude: 58.000665 Longitude: 56.2437From the railway station "Perm-2" by bus No. 1 to the stop Cinema "October", then 200 meters on foot to the railway station "Gulliver" 17 minutes; by tram No. 5 to the stop "Dynamo (Revolution Street)" then 300 meters on foot to the residential complex "Gulliver", 23 minutes; From the airport "B. Savino" bus No. 108 to the Bus Station stop, then 720 meters on foot to the Gulliver residential complex, 57 minutes. From the Yuzhny bus station by bus No. 59 to the Cinema October stop, then 100 meters on foot to the Gulliver residential complex. Entrance by car from Revolution Street from the intersection of Kuibyshev Street in the direction of Komsomolsky Avenue. The house has 2 sections and 1 entrance. The apartment is located in 2 sections (from the concierge desk to the right, to the end and to the left to the elevators).
614016, Perm Krai, Perm, 15 MechanoshinaGPS coordinates Latitude: 58.001098 Longitude: 56.237778The fastest way is by taxi Uber, Yandex.Taxi, Citymobil and others. By bus from the Perm II station: buses No. 1 to the Central Market stop, from the Perm II stop by tram No. 5 to the Dynamo Stadium stop in 20-25 minutes. From the international airport "B. Savino": taxi 35 minutes, bus No. 108 to the Bus station stop about 60 minutes.
614000, Perm Krai, Perm, 93Б OstrovskyGPS coordinates Latitude: 58.001924 Longitude: 56.241939From the station "Perm II": buses No. 1 to the stop "Chernyshevsky", from the stop "Papanintsev" by bus No. 14 to the stop "House of Models" in 30-40 minutes. From the airport "B. Savino": taxi 35 minutes, by bus No. 108 to the Bus Station stop transfer to bus No. 1 to the Chernyshevsky stop in 1 hour.
614000, Perm Krai, Perm, 24 RevolutionsGPS coordinates Latitude: 58.00471 Longitude: 56.257458The fastest way is by taxi Uber, Yandex.Taxi, Citymobil, Gettaxi and others in 15-20 minutes. From Bolshoe Savino airport by bus 108 to the Bus Station stop, then by tram 11 to the Sibirskaya Street stop. From the Perm-2 railway station by bus 1, 67, 54 to the Bus station stop, then by tram 11 to the Sibirskaya Street stop. See how to get to us: https://yandex.ru/maps/-/CCUmzHGQ3C